A fifth Sunday is coming up, which means there is something FUN planned for Mount Olive’s members to do! Join in the fellowship on Sunday, September 29th at 7:00 p.m. at Mount Olive with FREE popcorn and soda while watching a movie in the fellowship hall.
THIS Friday, August 23rd at 9:00 pm at Mount Olive. Bring a friend and enjoy an outdoor movie experience. For more details ask Elijah McCall.
Your local, Yellowstone Valley Lutherans for Life is holding a Bunco and Dinner event for all ages to attend! This event is an opportunity for fellowship amongst local congregations and an update on what LIFE projects the chapter is currently doing.
Event starts at 5:00 pm at Our Savior Lutheran church in the heights, NEXT Sunday, August 25th.
Here at Mt. Olive on Saturday, August 3rd. A time for young adults to learn the enjoyment of dancing. All adults ages 13+ are welcome to come.
Montana-Dakota Utilities (MDU) will present $10,000 to Mount Olive Lutheran School on Thursday, July 18th here at Mount Olive at noon. All are welcome to this special event to celebrate God’s blessings on this gift.
Mount Olive invites all the area congregations to a potluck dinner and Bible Study on Friday, June 14th at 6:00 pm, led by Rev. Dr. David Preus. Rev. Preus and family will be back stateside from serving as missionaries in Romania. Hope you can make it and support the Preus family with your presence and prayers.
Crusader Feast! This school fundraiser supports the Mount Olive School children in their classical education. All are welcome to this very family friendly event! Dinner, drinks, desserts, games and entertainment is provided with tickets only $15 per person. Bid on live and silent auction items, raffle for baked goods and the Massimo Minibike MB200. It’s a really great time!
Mark your calendars for Friday, May 10th at 6:00 pm. at Mount Olive Lutheran Church and School.
If you would like to donate items or services, contact Donna Johns at 406-656-6687 or email businessmanager@mountolive.com
Lutheran Lager League is meeting Saturday, April 27th at 2:00 p.m. here in Billings at Canyon Creek Brewery. A sign-up sheet and carpool is available, see sheet at the secretary’s office window. Bring a friend or a neighbor!
LWML ladies will be making School Kits for Lutheran World Relief. If you or your family would like to take part in providing supplies for the School Kits, please pick up a copy of what goes in a kit and how to assemble it, from the table by the secretary’s office. Look for a box below the table where the assembled kits and/or supplies can be placed. Thank you for your help!
Van Sale: The Mount Olive van is for sale. The van has a wheelchair lift, and can be configured with or without as CDL operation. If anyone is interested or has a possible lead for the sale, please contact the church.
Our Beliefs
Mount Olive Lutheran holds to:
Mount Olive Lutheran holds to: The Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments as the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and of practice. continue >>
Office Hours
Mo-Fr: 8:00 am to 2:30 pm
Weekend Closed
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
2336 Saint Johns Ave.
Billings, MT 59102
Call: (406)-656-6687