A workshop intended to help you plan your estate, see details on the fliers on the kiosk and tables in the Narthex. This workshop is on Wednesday, January 15th here at Mount Olive starting at 6:00 pm with a potluck meal!

Starting in January. First meeting was on Saturday, January 4th from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. studying the book The Fire and the Staff by Klemet Preus. Books are available online to purchase or come prepared to share.

It’s the fifth Sunday Fun Day! Sunday, December 29th! Potluck supper to start around 5:00 p.m. This is MORE than just decorating with candy, prepare to earn more decorations for your houses by sharing your talents of singing, dancing, or instrument playing, etc.

Dear ladies, you are cordially invited to our annual LWML “Gifts of Love” service on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. Our offerings this year will be divided between LaVie and Tumbleweed. A finger food buffet, provided by our Mary & Martha members, will be held in the Fellowship Hall following the service.  Please come and bring a friend!

This year the Mount Olive Quilters would like to “Giveaway” four Christmas Quilts. They wish to do this in appreciation for the support they have received with donations and those who have participated in previous silent auctions. Drawing for the Quilt Giveaway will be held on December 17th. The Mount Olive Quilters will then contact all those who have won!

Rules: You may only choose one quilt per person, only put one Drawing Slip in for one quilt per person. See the complete directions at the table in the narthex. Also, there is a Freewill Donation Box on the table for anyone who would like to monetarily give to help the quilters with materials and supplies.

This group will hold a Thanksgiving potluck on Sunday, November 30th at 5:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Please feel free to bring anything you’d like to eat, especially if it’s homemade! Don’t get too full though, because afterward there will be dancing led by Nicole Rodriguez! For any questions, contact Elijah McCall.

Yellowstone Valley Lutherans for Life will hold a memorial service for those who have grieved the loss of an unborn baby. So many grieve this type of loss silently, and we want to share the grace, peace and love of Jesus together. Please consider joining us and supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ, TODAY, Sunday, November 24th at Hope Lutheran Church in Lockwood. We will begin with a meal at 5:00pm and the service will start at 6:30pm.

Mount Olive congregation would like to honor all veterans with FREE coffee and donuts on Friday, November 8th at 7:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall.

The Mount Olive Lutheran Preschool will host the annual fall fundraiser with a new Carnival theme this year. Also, the event will hold a Chili Cook-off competition, basket raffle, pie raffle, games, food and candy! Please sign-up to help make this event super fun with your own carnival game booth, your favorite pie, or bring that award winning chili. See the table in front of the secretary’s office window to sign-up and for more details. Plan on joining the fun on Friday, November 1st from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Lutheran Lagers League hosts the first annual Oktoberfest, here at Mount Olive, on Saturday, October 26th starting at 11:00 a.m. Games, cornhole tournament, brats, beer, music and dancing will all take place at this family-friendly event. Help make the lunch extra German and bring a special German dish, side, or dessert to share! See all the details on the kiosk and sign-up for the Cornhole Tournament too!