Practice is Tuesday evenings beginning November 16th at 7:00 p.m.

The Mount Olive Quilters offered them for a silent auction. They are on display in the narthex near the Fellowship Hall. Bidding is open now until November 30th. Choose which one you would like and make your bid. Proceeds will be donated to Donna Johns and family for travel expenses to and from Denver where Donna’s daughter, Angie Van Decar, is receiving treatments for breast cancer.

Planning for the Mount Olive Congregation Christmas Dinner has begun. It will be held on Saturday, December 4th in the fellowship hall at noon. It would be great to have a large crowd! In order to have enough food, we will need an accurate count of people planning to attend. Please RSVP Sharon by Sunday, November 28th (about a week before the event) or find the sign-up sheet at the secretary’s office.

Please place nonperishable items in the large wooden box on the floor next to the fellowship hall from now through Monday, November 22nd.

The LWML Southeastern Zone Rally will be held at Concordia Lutheran Church in Forsyth at 9 a.m.

Sunday, October 10th at 3:00pm at Moose Lodge. She is the 19 year old daughter of David and Kristen Jinguji, members of Trinity Lutheran Church LCMS in Billings.

Saturday, October 9th at 6:30 pm at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Billings. It will be a silent auction fundraiser with desserts and refreshments, and Cindy Nordstog from LaVie as the guest speaker. The fundraiser is for hosting the State Conference Lutherans for Life, here in Billings, for the summer of 2022 on the topic “Motherhood and Life”. Please, consider donating to the fundraiser and HIGHLY consider attending the event! Your church has been selected to make a “Kids Fun” basket for the auction. Contact your church member, Cindy Ewen to donate. Other donations are needed as well like; baked goods, gift cards, babysitting, and such. Contact Travis Hartman 406-927-5475 or email for donations.